
About Mary Beth, Founder of Twist Kids Yoga 

Mary Beth E-RYT 500 HR & RCYT Yoga Educator is the lead trainer and founder of Twist Kids Yoga. She has always had a love for children. Ever since she was a small child,  she knew that she wanted to be a teacher.

In 2005, Mary Beth was working at Kripalu Yoga Center when one day she overheard 2 of her co-workers talking about a kids yoga class that they were leading that day. She became very curious and started asking a lot of questions, which then lead her to researching a program where she could become a certified kids yoga teacher. At that same time, Mary Beth was already teaching yoga to adults, but knew that she really wanted to be teaching yoga to children. In that same year, she flew to Los Angelos for a training/certification with Yoga Kids International. She then began teaching yoga to children at a day care and a small yoga studio in New Hampshire. In 2006 Mary Beth moved to Charlotte, NC where she eventually began teaching yoga to children all over the city. She has taught hundreds of classes in various environments such as festivals, community centers, churches, studios, schools, a gym, a toy store and even a grocery store!

Mary Beth is a double 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher, which means she has 190 hours of children’s yoga training registered with Yoga Alliance. In addition to those hours, she has also completed other yoga trainings, which has her on track with nearly 1000 hours of yoga training. Her kids yoga training background is with Yoga Kids International,  Asheville Yoga Center, Little Flower Yoga and Grounded Kids Yoga and continues to see inspiration in the work of others.

Mary Beth is a child at heart and has an infectious love and warmth for children. Children love her boundless energy and her willingness to indulge in the silliness of being a kid.

Mary Beth has created Twist Kids Yoga with the intention to bring more mindfulness & yoga to the younger generations. She believes in the positive ripple effect that this work has on the world.